Saturday, April 9, 2011

Dog play

Until the tears were streaming down my face as I watched Corey and Angel frolicking in 200 pounds of dangerously sloppy abandon, I didn't realize that my happiness was rooted in dog play.  Was rooted, was uprooted, was ripped from my heart.  I've been missing Reba and mourning with Corey. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

June 1962: Wrecking Project on for Acorn

Wrecking project on for Acorn [projects]. Who missed this mistake? Was this a mistake? Who was the Copy Editor at the Trib in 1962?

May 9, 1925: As I Delve into Bestor Robinson...

I am aware that I have had certain expectations regarding Bestor Robinson. I think the picture is more complex and more pathetic than I realized at first. Or is that my expectation too? I expected him to be a hero. It seemed like he was going to be one. Then he just up and changed his course, or so it seems to me. And then there is his "other" life: the outdoor adventurer and WWII hero.

From here, it is easy to imagine why the son of an Oakland Judge might have turned away from this public life and turned towards the hilly life in the hand of his father-in-law, Senator Arthur H. Breed. But wait! The context and the motivation are forthright! Was it the opinion of the Trib expressed in the placement of the announcements side by side?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

January 29, 1953: Setting the Policy for 1953

OAKLAND-REAL ESTATE BOARD Women's Council, holds first luncheon meeting of year tomorrow, Helnick's Restaurant, 800 Third Avenue. Ruth Radcliffe, president, pre- , sides. Bruce McCollum, newly elected president of Oakland Real Estate Board, speaks on "Setting the Policy for 1953." Loren G. Mowrey, secretarymanager, Oakland Real Estate Board, speaks on "How Your 'Real Estate Board Can Be_of Most Value to You-."- Following program, President Radcliffe announces th« following committee chairmen -for -the -year: Susannah. K^mF"*^, membership: Patricia Bennett, entertainment; Sue Carvalho, publicity: Ortha Wulfuv, educational; Alice Lane English, refreshments; Marie Sidmore, attendance; Valjiui . Maddox, ways and 1 means: Margaret Robinson; public relations; Lela Johnson and Margaret Robinson, hostesses; Josephine Sublett, sunshine .club; J^Uly Holliday, parliamentarian; Thebna Stevenson, auditor; and Irma Dennlnc, decorations Oakland Tribune, Thursday, January 29, 1953

November 12, 1922: A Very Cinalli Halloween Party

One of the most successful Hallowe'en parties of the week was held Saturday evening at the home of the Misses Adeline and Susie Cinalli under the auspices of the Venus club, an organization composed of young ladies of Oakland and Berkeley. The home was beautifully decorated In the Halowe'en novelties. There were some forty in attendance from both sides of the bay. Dancing and games prevailed until midnight, when refreshments were served. Dancing was resumed and prevailed until the morning hours. Among those who enjoyed the hospitality of the Venus club were: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cinalli, who acted as chaperones. Oakland Tribune, Sunday, November 12, 1922