Sunday, May 24, 2009

January 29, 1953: Setting the Policy for 1953

OAKLAND-REAL ESTATE BOARD Women's Council, holds first luncheon meeting of year tomorrow, Helnick's Restaurant, 800 Third Avenue. Ruth Radcliffe, president, pre- , sides. Bruce McCollum, newly elected president of Oakland Real Estate Board, speaks on "Setting the Policy for 1953." Loren G. Mowrey, secretarymanager, Oakland Real Estate Board, speaks on "How Your 'Real Estate Board Can Be_of Most Value to You-."- Following program, President Radcliffe announces th« following committee chairmen -for -the -year: Susannah. K^mF"*^, membership: Patricia Bennett, entertainment; Sue Carvalho, publicity: Ortha Wulfuv, educational; Alice Lane English, refreshments; Marie Sidmore, attendance; Valjiui . Maddox, ways and 1 means: Margaret Robinson; public relations; Lela Johnson and Margaret Robinson, hostesses; Josephine Sublett, sunshine .club; J^Uly Holliday, parliamentarian; Thebna Stevenson, auditor; and Irma Dennlnc, decorations Oakland Tribune, Thursday, January 29, 1953

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