Saturday, May 9, 2009

January 3, 1889: SPECIAL POLICE

Conductors and Brakemen to Be Appointed Peace Officers
The Southern Pacific Company has opened the new year by making some changes and some improvements. One of the improvements has been decided upon, and will be carried out next week. It is to secure the appointment of all or as many of the conductors and brakemen on the Oakland, Alameda, and Berkeley locals as will serve as deputy sherriffs and special police officers. On the Oakland trains they will be appointed special officers in order to make arrests for violations of city ordinances. Train jumpers will now have to be very careful. This will be done in order to prevent trouble on the trains on Sunday and during picnics in summer. The newly made officers will be instructed to stop train jumping, and when a small boy jumps on the trains he will jump into the arms of an officer. The men will be sworn in next week. Oakland Daily Evening Tribune, Thursday, January 3, 1889

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